The National Press Photographers Foundation (NPPF) Contest 2025 portal are now open, The recipient will receive $15,000 to complete a visual documentary project, Their goal is to encourage photojournalists to cover topics of great importance in today’s changing world. Apply Now
The National Press Photographers Foundation Inc. (NPPF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is charged with advancing photojournalism through education and awarding scholarships and fellowships to deserving individuals who have demonstrated ability or promise in the field of visual journalism. NPPF supports the work of photojournalists who play a critical role in the free flow of visual information in a healthy democracy.
Application Deadline: 31 December 2024, 12:59 AM
The National Press Photographers Foundation (NPPF) is pleased to provide a $15,000 annual fellowship to honor the memory of Michel du Cille, a dedicated photojournalist who died in 2014 while covering the Ebola crisis in Liberia. Our goal is to encourage photojournalists to cover topics of great importance in today’s changing world.
Michel’s photographs touched audiences in ways words alone never reach. They crossed boundaries of every kind and connected us to deeper truths.
What recipients receive:
- The recipient will receive $15,000 to complete a visual documentary project
- NPPF will provide a coordinator to check in with monthly
Eligibility to Apply Michel du Cille Fellowship Contest 2025
- The Michel du Cille Fellowship is open to professional photojournalists who are legally residing in or legally authorized to work in Puerto Rico, United States, United States Minor Outlying Islands
How to Apply National Press Photographers Foundation (NPPF) Contest 2025
- Your name, date of birth, permanent address, personal email address, personal mobile phone number
- A concise bio highlighting your experience, your commitment to completing a project of consequence.
- CV including 2-3 professional references with names, email address and phone number.
- Project title
- A project description/summary of less than 2500 characters including spaces
- Project proposal of less than 4000 characters including spaces explaining what project you plan to undertake including a brief timeline including how you expect to use the grant.
- A body of work up to 24 images for still only applications or 2-3 videos of less than 10 minutes each for video applications
Example entries include:
A) 2 stories of 12 or less images each
B)1 story of 12 or less images, and 1 video of less than 10 minutes
C) 2-3 video stories of less than 10 minutes each
- Digital images should be .JPG and 3000px on the long side. IPTC fields are required:
For stories you must include a short story description in the first image:
- City/ State
- Date image was made
- Creator/ photographer
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